How to get your own disposable email address?

There are websites on the Internet where you just don't want to risk giving out your real email address because of the threat of spam, fraud, and identity theft. The problem though is that without giving out your email address there is sometimes no way to receive information from that website or communicate with it. Instead, wouldn't it be great if it were possible to provide a temporary disposable email address to such websites so that you can communicate with them without having to reveal your real email address?

There are few such websites available on the Internet like:

Why Guerrilla Mail?

Guerrilla Mail is a website that allows you to create a disposable email address that you can use for temporary purposes at places where you don't want to give out your real email address. The thing I like most is that you can send a mail from this site.

Create your own disposable email address

1. To create your own disposable email address, just open your browser to and create a temporary email address with any domain of your choice. There are multiple domains that you can choose from.

2. The next step is to select the Scramble Address option to create a scrambled version of your disposable email address so that somebody else cannot view your received emails. You can share this scrambled address with dodgy websites and individuals on the Internet so that you can communicate with them without having to share your real email address with them.

3. To view emails received on your disposable email address just connect to and enter your unscrambled email address. No password is required. 

It is important to note that all received emails are automatically deleted by the Guerrilla Mail server after 1 hour.

4. Once you are done using the disposable email address, just press the Forget Me button, and your disposal account will be permanently deleted and forgotten forever.


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