Hello, everyone. Today, we're delving into a tutorial series
centered on vulnerable machines known as "PenetesterLab". Our focus
in this session will be on a machine named "padding oracle".
To begin, you'll need to download the vulnerable image from
VulnHub's website. If you're unfamiliar with VulnHub, don’t worry; you can
refer to our earlier videos in the VulnHub playlist for a primer.
This resource provides access to Vulhub, a platform that offers vulnerable environments for security professionals and enthusiasts to practice and improve their penetration testing skills in a safe and legal manner.
Once you have the image, setting up the virtual machine (VM)
in VirtualBox is our next step.
Settings Up
In this section, we're going to guide you through setting up
a new virtual machine (VM) in VirtualBox. Since the file we've downloaded comes
in the ".iso" format, the first step is creating a new VM.
Begin by launching VirtualBox.
Then, click on "New" to initiate the creation of a
new virtual machine (VM).
Next, we'll need to specify the Virtual Machine Name,
Operating System type, and version.
Since we obtained the information from the
VulnHub page, we know that the vulnerable iso is Linux-based.
Click next, to customize the hardware settings by adjusting
the RAM and Virtual CPU count.
Click Next, and you'll be prompted to create a new virtual hard
disk. This step allows you to allocate storage space according to your
After configuring the disk, click "Next", to confirm
the changes that we did earlier.
Finally, click "Finish" to complete the creation
of your VM. Once the VM is created, you'll see it listed in the VirtualBox Manager. Now, Let's organize it by grouping it under "PenetesterLab".
Now, let's configure the settings. Select the VM,
click on "Settings", and navigate to the storage settings.
Here, add
the iso image.
Now, change the network adapter to "Host-only adapter"
in network settings.
It's important to ensure that both your Kali Linux machine, which I use for performing attacks, and the vulnerable machine are connected to the same network.
With everything set up, it's time to start the Virtual Machines.
You'll notice that the Vulnerable Machine is ready, displaying a
shell prompt for input. However, our goal is to access it from the Kali
Let's dive into the fun!
Enumeration is the first process of our attack, aimed at
identifying the IP Address of our Target Machine using Net Discover. To do
this, open a terminal, run "netdiscover -i" and then
specify the network interface name, which is eth1.
└─$ sudo netdiscover -i eth1
Currently scanning: | Screen View: Unique Hosts
3 Captured ARP Req/Rep packets, from 3 hosts. Total size: 180
From the scan result, we have obtained our target IP address,
which is, "".
Next, we move on to conducting a network scan to identify
open ports. This step is crucial in understanding the attack surface and
planning targeted attacks. We'll utilize the widely-used Nmap tool for this
task. Execute "nmap -A" followed by the IP address.
└─$ nmap -A
Where, the
"-A" flag enables a comprehensive scan across all available
ports, providing insights into the versions running on each port.
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-04-30 15:45 IST
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 20.86 seconds
After conducting the network scan, we spotted the
presence of 3 open ports:
Port 22, using the SSH protocol for secure remote access;
Port 80, employing the HTTP protocol, likely indicates a web service; and
Port 3306, running a MySQL service, is often used for database management.
These ports are crucial entry points for data communication within the network.
Specifically, The Port 80/TCP, is basically running an
HTTP service. This suggests the presence of a vulnerable web application.
So let’s take a look at the web content running on port 80. To
look at the contents ourselves, we can open a web browser of our choice, and
navigate to the target's IP address in the URL bar at the top of the
Upon inspecting the webpage, a potential vulnerability
emerges, indicating a task requiring admin access to complete. Specifically, a
padding Oracle vulnerability is detected, obviating the need for further
To comprehend the workings of a padding oracle, reference
the following article for detailed insight, crucial for successful
This course offered by PentesterLab focuses on the Padding Oracle vulnerability, providing hands-on exercises and practical knowledge to help individuals understand and exploit this vulnerability effectively.
Moving forward, exploitation necessitates obtaining admin
session privileges. Initially, registration is required. Click on the
registration button, and provide a username and password.
Upon successful login with the registered username, the
primary objective remains acquiring admin access.
Subsequently, the authentication must be manipulated to
achieve admin privileges. Utilizing Burp Suite, capture the cookies to
facilitate this process.
Begin by initiating Burp Suite.
Proceed to configure your
browser's proxy settings using FoxyProxy.
Access the proxy tab and activate
intercept mode to capture target requests. Switch the proxy to Burp Suite within the FoxyProxy
Re-login using the registered credentials. Upon completion, captured data will populate the intercept
Right-click within this window to reveal a list of options, selecting
"Send to Repeater."
This action opens two panels, one for request and
the other for response, facilitating further analysis.
In the left panel, submit the user credentials and password
as part of the request, then proceed to execute the request by clicking on the
"send" button.
This action will trigger the generation of an
authentication cookie, observable in the right panel as part of the response.
Subsequently, extract the highlighted cookie, as it serves
as a pivotal component in acquiring admin access.
To facilitate this process, the "padbuster" tool
proves indispensable.
Using PadBuster
Initiate the procedure by accessing a terminal in Kali
Linux and invoking the "padbuster" command.
└─$ padbuster
Command 'padbuster' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install padbuster
Do you want to install it? (N/y)
If the tool is not already installed, a prompt will guide you through the installation process, requiring confirmation ('Y') to proceed.
Do you want to install it? (N/y)y
sudo apt install padbuster
[sudo] password for kali:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
Setting up padbuster (0.3.3+git20210818.50e4a3e-1kali1) ...
Processing triggers for kali-menu (2023.4.7) ...
Scanning processes...
Scanning linux images...
Running kernel seems to be up-to-date.
No services need to be restarted.
No containers need to be restarted.
No user sessions are running outdated binaries.
No VM guests are running outdated hypervisor (qemu) binaries on this host.
Upon successful installation, execute the "padbuster -h" command to access the help documentation, thereby familiarizing
yourself with the tool's functionalities and command syntax.
-resume [Block Number]: Resume at this block number
-usebody: Use response body content for response analysis phase
-verbose: Be Verbose
-veryverbose: Be Very Verbose (Debug Only)
To utilize PadBuster, initiate the command by typing
"padbuster" followed by the URL of the login page. Subsequently,
paste the Authentication Encrypted value. Specify the block size utilized by
the algorithm. Within the options, select the cookies method. Now, set the encoding to base64 (designated as 0).
Upon execution, PadBuster successfully decrypts the
ciphertext retrieved from the application, unveiling the plaintext value
"user=user." Additionally, it presents the decrypted value in ASCII,
hexadecimal, and Base64 formats.
We're on the verge of achieving our objective; simply
encrypt the auth cookie with the user set as admin once more. Given the
plaintext "admin," let's utilize PadBuster for encoding.
PadBuster successfully encrypts the plaintext, yielding the
corresponding ciphertext. Copy this encrypted value.
Return to the browser and refresh the page, ensuring that
the proxy is set to Burp Suite.
Upon interception of the data, modify the auth
value with the generated value from PadBuster.
Click "Forward" to transmit this request to the
web server. Burp Suite automatically dispatches a request to the web
server, resulting in login with admin privileges.
Congratulations! We've accomplished the lab's goal.
There's no necessity to foothold the VM. Any doubts or
queries can be addressed by leaving a comment in the section below.